
Specialist Lending

We have helped clients to obtain finance in a number of specialist areas in the past.

These specialist areas include:

  • Mortgages, remortgages and loans to assist clients to either purchase or remortgage commercial premises. Examples where we have helped include hotels, guest houses and light industrial units.
  • Mortgages and loans to assist people to purchase holiday homes both in the Spain and abroad.
  • Mortgages and loans to assist people to purchase land.
  • Bridging finance.
  • Clients needing finance for self­build projects.
  • Loans with stage payments where self­build or property improvements are required.

Some of the above types of lending are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority whilst other types are unregulated. However, Executive Financial Services Ltd take the same care and carry out due diligence when looking after clients whatever the type of lending involved.

Often, enquiries for specialist lending can take a lot of research time and therefore a research fee might be charged by us, as agreed with the client, where appropriate.